Today’s roundup for January Week 03, 2018 consists of a mix of awesome motion graphics and title design pieces. We would recommend checking out our boards collected on Pinterest where you can find some more amazing work.
Making Of:

There’s something really sweet about childhood. Even in hindsight, there’s a warm nostalgia and innocence to the misconceptions we had. Well, I asked around and it turns out we all had these little secret thoughts and ideas of the not-so-big world around us. As creatives, it’s important to hang onto this innocence and use it to our best advantage. So embrace those weird thoughts! You never know what you’ll come up with.

School of Motion Cinema 4D Basecamp Intro
Milo Targett directed and designed this short animation for the School of Motion. The video was to introduce a cinema 4D course so i combined references to the software with the trials or mountain climbing as a sort of analogy.
Here is a little more about how Milo Targett an the team at Animade made it.
Directed by Milo Targett at Animade with help from
Ricard Badia

STARZ Counterpart Main Title
Karin Fong’s latest title sequence for STARZ Counterpart, delves into an intricate world of parallel dimensions, doppelgängers, secrets and suspense.
For JK Simmons, It’s just another day at the office…
Client: STARZ
Designed and Produced by Imaginary Forces
Director: Karin Fong
Lead Animator/ Designer: Jake Ferguson
Editor: Zach Kilroy
Animator/Compositor: Kiyoon Nam
Designers: Filipe Carvalho, Nathan Lee
Flame Artist: Rod Basham
Additional Visual Research: Wes Yang, David Orwasky
Producer: Maggie Robinson
Head of Production: Franceska Bucci
Executive Producer: Chris Hill

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 | Official Video (Director’s cut)
Redmi phones have been wildly popular for their extensive features and outstanding quality. True to its original philosophy of letting users expect more and achieve more.
This is our second video done for the Redmi Series, This time for the Redmi Note 5, And its all about Neons, Palms, and The new Redmi Note 5 superpowers 😉
Client: XIAOMI | China
CGI Production: Yambo Studio
Directors: Yambo, Tal Baltuch
Creative Direction: Yambo, Tal Baltuch, Mariusz Becker
Lead 3D: Jonathan Lindgren
3D Animation: Jonathan Lindgren, Scott Geersen, Yambo
Additional Animation: Jeff Briant, Drew Nelson
Shading: Mariusz Becker, Yambo
Landscapes: Scott Geersen, Ezequiel Grand
Simulations: Yaniv Goralli, Ezequiel Grand
Phone Modeling: Chris Schofield, Nick Zieroff
Compositing & Colors: Tal Baltuch
Typography Design & Animation: Tal Baltuch
Music & Sound Design: Luke Brown
Mixing & Mastering: Liam Iliffe & Luke Brown
Agency: Somei Design
Coordinator: Somei Sun
Producer: Katie Chen