Here’s a new round up for the very first week of the New Year 2018 which consists of some of the most amazing motion graphics pieces. We would recommend checking out our boards collected on Pinterest where you can find some more amazing work.
Alesso live opening set visuals
Visuals for Dj Alesso live set opening.
Tools: Cinema4D, DAZ, Marvelous designer & Octane render.
Made for the great guys @Comix !
Stills & work
Music: Trentemøller — Take me into your skin
Marka Park
Behance Showcase –
Production – Digital Panorama
Producer – Bülent Pulur
Animation, Concept, Look-Developement, Lighting, Composition – Selim Ari
3D Modeling – Teberdar Gürbey, Arın Arıcı
Sound Mix – Imaj Post Production
Client : MTV AWARD
Agency : 大口心ㄧ,
Typography : Joe Fang ( Joefang Studio )
Producer : Hi-Organic
Director : Hi-Organic
Concept Art : Chili Chang
Banner Design : Kamzo Liu
Editor : Zoe Lin
Compositor : Jiabay Heh
3D Artist : KaiZhen Lee / Sushi Chang / Chi-Wei Lee
2D Artist : Zoe Lin
Music & Sound : Andrea Damiano
Or noir.
Made with Florian Cohen for Oxmo Puccino’s Carte Blanche at l’Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris.
with awesome sound design by Zing Audio and music by Stéphane Monteiro !
Le propos d’« Or noir » est de montrer à travers une représentation artistique, le ressenti d’étouffement, de noyade, d’éclipse subi par la culture, les arts, et les différents domaines dans lesquels le monde arabe a pu briller et brille encore.
“Or Noir” is about showing through an artistic representation, the felling of breathlessness, drowning, eclipse undergone by the culture, the arts, and the various domains in which the Arab world was able to shine and still shines.
Film de Hasim Akbaba et Florian Cohen
Musique de Stéphane Monteiro
Sounds Design Zing Audio